Torat Chesed: Bibliography of Harav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l
The first edition of Harav Lichtenstein’s bibliography was published by Rav Nathaniel Helfgot in Tradition, volume 25:2 (Winter, 1990), pp. 58-65.
The second edition was updated by Dr. Aviad Hacohen in 1994 and published in Alon Shevut – Bogrim, volume 3 (Tamuz 5754), pp. 135-45.
The third edition was updated and prepared by Rav Dov Karoll and presented initially to Harav Lichtenstein on his seventy-fifth birthday (Yom Yerushalayim, 5768). It was published in Alei Etzion, volume 16, in 2009 (5769), in a special edition in honor of Harav Lichtenstein. An online version of the bibliography was also updated periodically.
This fourth edition is presented with hundreds of updated/corrected hyperlinks, along with updated information on cross-references and interconnections between articles as well as reference notes as relevant. A few new categories have also been identified and added at the end. This version will also be updated periodically, בעז"ה. The current version was last updated on 17 Marcheshvan 5784, November 1, 2023.
Following the protocol of previous versions, asterisks indicate articles that were written by others, based on Harav Lichtenstein’s shiurim or sichot. 289 items are articles (or translations of articles) written by Harav Lichtenstein himself, with an additional 987 entries that are adaptations by his students. Items written by Harav Lichtenstein himself appear at the beginning of each category, Hebrew followed by English.
Note that a small number of links point to websites where a login and/or subscription is required to access the article.
This bibliography references only written materials. Audio shiurim and sichot by Harav Lichtenstein can be found on the VBM’s audio archives for English and Hebrew and at YUTorah Online.
Please address corrections or additional sources to [email protected].
The writings are organized according to the following categories:
א. ספרים – Books
ב. זרעים – Seder Zera’im
ג. מועד – Seder Mo’ed
ד. נשים – Seder Nashim
ה. נזיקין – Seder Nezikin
ו. קדשים – Seder Kadashim
ז. טהרות – Seder Taharot
ח. שמיטה – Shemitta
ט. חיי משפחה, מעמד האשה וחברה מעורבת – Family Life, Women’s Status and Intergender Relations
י. מוסר והלכה – Morality and Halakha
יא. מחשבה והשקפה – Philosophy and Jewish Thought
יב. תלמוד תורה –Torah Study
יג. תשובה – Repentance
יד. יהדות וחכמה/תרבות – Torah and General Culture/Knowledge
טו. בין ישראל לעמים, גירות – Jews and Gentiles, Conversion
טז. יחסים בין יהודים – Relationships between Jews
יז. ציונות דתית, מדינת ישראל וצה"ל – Religious Zionism, State of Israel, Israel Defense Forces
יח. אירועי ובעיות זמננו בארץ – Contemporary Issues and Current Events, Israel
יט. יהדות אורתודוקסית בתפוצה – Diaspora Orthodoxy
כ. בראשית – Bereishit
כא. שמות – Shemot
כב.ויקרא – Vayikra
כג. במדבר - Bemidbar
כד. דברים – Devarim
כה. ימים נוראים וסוכות – High Holidays and Sukkot
כו. חנוכה – Chanukka
כז. עשרה בטבת ויום השואה – Asara Be-Tevet and Yom Ha-Shoah
כח. תענית אסתר ופורים – Ta’anit Esther and Purim
כט. פסח – Pesach
ל. יום העצמאות – Yom Ha-Atzma’ut
לא. יום ירושלים – Yom Yerushalayim
לב. שבועות – Shavu’ot
לג. שבעה עשר בתמוז ותשעה באב – Shiva Asar Be-Tammuz and Tisha Be-Av
לד. דברי הספד וזיכרון – Eulogies and Memorial Articles
לה. מחשבת וחיי הגרי"ד סולובייצ'יק ז"ל – The Rav z”l
לו. ישיבת הר עציון – Yeshivat Har Etzion
לז. לשון וספרות – Languag and literature
לח. לימוד תנ"ך – Bible Study
לט. ישיבה אוניברסיטה – YU-RIETS
מ. הקדמות והסכמות – Introductions and Approbations
מא. שונות – Miscellaneous
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