The Second Luchot and the Thirteen Midot
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The Second Luchot and the Thirteen Midot, by Rav Yair Kahn
This shiur was given during the 2017 Tanakh Study Days at Herzog College / Yeshivat Har Etzion. It is dedicated in memory of Yonatan Adler z"l.
Shemot 32-34 Shemot 24
Parashat Ki Tisa
The Thirteen Middot (or the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy) occupy a very prominent position in Jewish liturgy, constituting a central part of Selichot, as well as the Torah reading on Fast days. Why was this chosen? What singular theme did the Sages find expressed specifically here? I believe the solution lies in a deep appreciation of the Scriptural context of the Thirteen Middot.
We will examine this section in order to achieve a more profound understanding that will hopefully lead to a more informed, inspired, and meaningful avodat Hashem whenever we recite Selichot. We will also come to appreciate the added significance of Yom Kippur as the day that Israel received the Second Divine Tablets, the day that the covenant is renewed and completed, and the day that Israel first experiences the Thirteen Middot, as they achieve atonement before God - as they behold the Divine Presence.
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