Preparing for Shabbat
By Rav Doniel Schreiber
Shiur #02: Preparing for Shabbat
[Note: The following abbreviations will be used in this series.
The four sections of the Tur and Shulchan Arukh:
OC = Orach Chayim
YD = Yoreh De'a
EH = Even Ha-ezer
CM = Choshen Mishpat
Recent works on Shabbat:
MB = Mishna Berura
SSK = Shemirat Shabbat Ke-hilkhata.]
I. Introduction
Every week, households around the world are enveloped in a flurry of
action to prepare for the upcoming Shabbat.
We are concerned with many details to make sure that Shabbat is as
pleasant as possible. However, is it
really necessary to expend so much time and effort? The Torah writes (Vayikra 26:2):
"Keep my Shabbatot and fear my sanctuary."
R. Eliezer of Metz comments in his Sefer Yereyim (siman 410) that "just
as God commands us to fear and honor the Temple, so too He commands with regard
to Shabbat, for they are juxtaposed [in the Torah] with each other. What does it mean to fear Shabbat? That a person should keep in mind to
honor Shabbat, and to ensure and be zealous in the matter."
Additionally, on the verse (Shemot 31:16): "And Benei Yisrael kept (lit.
watched) the Shabbat, to make the Shabbat...," R. Chaim ben Atar, in his Or
Ha-chayim, comments that we should anticipate when Shabbat will arrive so that
we can arrange all our needs for Shabbat and have a festive Shabbat meal.
In fact, according to the gemara (Beitza 16a), Shammai understood the
verse (Shemot 20:8) "Remember the Shabbat to keep it holy" to mean that one
should start putting aside food for Shabbat even at the beginning of week. His cycle of eating was always geared
towards the honor of Shabbat, for if he would come into possession of a good
animal, he would set it aside for the Shabbat meal; but if he would later find
an even better animal, he would eat the first and set aside the second for the
Shabbat meal.
By contrast, Hillel believed that, because of his deep faith in God, he
would be furnished with a festive meal for Shabbat even if he would not put
aside the good animal at the beginning of the week. Instead, he would eat it right away. Nonetheless, Hillel would agree that
most people who do not reach his level of trust in God should act in accordance
with Shammai. (See Mishna Berura
Preparations for Shabbat can also be deduced logically. We are all familiar with the analogy
of Hashem to a leader of a great nation.
If that leader were to come to visit our home, our preparations would be
endless, our house would be shining, our food delicious, clothing spotless, and
we would certainly not finish our preparations late. How much more so should we be careful
to honor Hashem and the Shabbat.
II. How Do We Prepare for
A. Counting the Days of the
Chazal point out that even from the start of the week we already have an
established relationship with Shabbat.
In Shemot (20:8) the Torah states: "Remember the Shabbat to keep it
holy." Based on this, the Mekhilta
(the midrash to Shemot) comments that we are obligated to count the days of the
week leading up to Shabbat.
Accordingly, the Ramban comments that the verse teaches that we should remember
Shabbat every day of the week. This
is to assure that we not forget Shabbat and confuse it with another day. Additionally, this is also in order
to remember daily the creation of the world and its Creator.
Therefore, the Ramban writes, our method of counting the days of the week
differs fundamentally from that of the non-Jews.
The non-Jews use unique names for each day of the week, such as Sunday,
Monday, etc. By contrast, we count
the days of the week with an eye towards Shabbat, as seen in the "Shir shel
yom:" "Today is the first day in (the count towards) Shabbat."
B. Preparing the House and
1. Arising Early
One should arise early on Friday morning to prepare for Shabbat. The gemara (Shabbat 119a) notes that
even great sages helped with the household chores in order to honor the Shabbat
(OC 250:1).
2. Tidying the Home
One should set his table, arrange his bedding, sweep and wash the floor,
and attend to all household matters before Shabbat. Therefore, when he returns from
synagogue Friday night he will find his house clean and in order. For the duration of Shabbat one
should have a nice tablecloth spread and one try to keep the house neat and tidy
(OC 262:1).
3. Wearing Clean and Fine
Shabbat Clothing
One should launder his clothing during the week in order to have clean
clothes for Shabbat. However,
according to an enactment of Ezra, one should not launder his clothing on erev
Shabbat. This is to insure that one
will have time to prepare for Shabbat (OC 242:1, and SSK, vol. 2, 42:5, note
13). It is possible that this
prohibition is inapplicable in today's modern environment where we have washing
machines and tumble-dryers (see SSK, ibid.).
On Shabbat, one should try to wear fine clothing. As part of this requirement one
should not wear clothing that one wears during the week. Instead, one should have special
clothing for Shabbat: a suit or a dress, a shirt or a blouse and Shabbat shoes. It is even preferable, if possible,
to have a Shabbat tallit. All of
this is applicable even for one who lives alone or who will be travelling alone (OC 262:2, and Mishna Brura ibid.
notes 5 and 6, and SSK, vol. 2, 42:56, note 206).
4. Purchasing Food for Shabbat
In the event that one can purchase and prepare the food for Shabbat
easily, it is preferable to do this on erev Shabbat in order to show that it was
bought specifically in Shabbat's honor.
If the food requires a great deal of preparation, then one should
purchase it on Thursday in order that there will be enough time to prepare the
food on Friday. One should also
declare at the time one purchases food for Shabbat that "this is likhvod
Shabbat" (in Shabbat's honor) (see MB 250:2).
Although it is not an obligation, it is preferable to enjoy more meat,
delicacies and wine on Shabbat than one does during the week. One should at least be careful to eat
two cooked dishes and fish (assuming one enjoys fish) at each meal (see OC
261:1, and MB 242:1, 2.). However,
it is possible that in today's society meat has replaced fish as the greater
delicacy (see SSK, vol. 2, 42:16, note 63).
One who can only afford two meals fulfills the mitzva of oneg Shabbat
(enjoying Shabbat) with them and is not obligated to borrow or take out a loan
for the third. However, if one
cannot afford even two meals he should take out a loan to pay for all three, for
God has guaranteed that He will repay the debt.
Nonetheless, if one feels that he will not be able to repay the loan, he
should forgo the mitzva of oneg Shabbat (MB 242:3, and SSK, vol. 2, 42:18, 19,
note 71).
5. Spending Lavishly
Although one's income is divinely determined each year from one Rosh
Hashana to the next one may spend lavishly for the sake of Shabbat, as it is
guaranteed that God will ultimately repay the expenditures (MB 242:4).
6. Baking Challa
It is a time-honored custom that married women bake their own challa for
kavod Shabbat and not to rely on purchasing their challa from a baker. It is important for those who have
this custom to remember to mafrish challa (set aside some dough in memory of the
priestly gifts) (see OC 242:1).
7.Bathing and Grooming
With relation to personal appearance and hygiene, the Shulchan Arukh (OC
260:1) states: "It is a mitzva to wash one's face, hands, and feet with warm
water prior to Shabbat. It is also a
mitzva to cut and wash one's hair and to cut ones nails before Shabbat." The Rema (ibid.) adds that one should
wash his whole body with hot water.
Preferably, these preparations should be done after midday in order to
demonstrate that it is being done likhvod Shabbat (Arukh Ha-shulchan 260:6). Furthermore, one should put on one's
Shabbat clothing immediately after bathing.
One should be careful to finish his preparations early and not wait until
the last moment. Waiting until the
last minute may cause onto accidently violate Shabbat (OC 263:3, and MB 11 and
8. Travelling
In the event that one is travelling to a place where no Shabbat
preparations are being made for him, he should ensure that he reaches his
destination with two thirds of the day left until Shabbat. This will guarantee that he has
enough time to prepare properly for Shabbat.
If one is travelling to a place where his Shabbat needs will be provided
for, he still must be careful to have taken all possible delays into
consideration so he will arrive at his destination early enough that there will
be no risk of desecrating Shabbat (see OC 249:1, and Mishna Brura ibid.).
9. Limiting Dining Prior to
As part of the mitzva of kavod Shabbat, one should enter into Shabbat
looking forward with anticipation to eating the evening meal. Therefore, in the interest of keeping
up one's appetite (and limiting unnecessarily time-consuming work), it is
forbidden at any time on erev Shabbat to eat a meal that one does not normally
have as part of his weekly diet, such as at a party or banquet. It is even forbidden to eat a se'udat
mitzva if it should have been eaten on an earlier day (OC 249:2).
While a timely se'udat mitzva is permitted to be eaten on erev Shabbat,
it is a mitzva to have the meal before midday.
If it must be eaten after midday, it may take place as a normal se'udat
mitzva so long as it begins with at least a quarter of the day remaining. After that time, the se'udat mitzva
should only consist of small portions of bread in order to ensure that the
Shabbat meal will be eaten with an appropriate appetite (OC 249:2).
It is permissible to eat any normal set meal at any time on erev Shabbat. Nonetheless, it is a mitzva to
refrain from eating such a set meal in the last quarter of the day in the
summer. In the winter, one should
aim to eat even earlier because of the shorter days. Of course, it is better to limit
one's Friday afternoon meal as much as possible.
One is permitted to snack any time on Friday afternoon even right up
until the onset of Shabbat. Once
Shabbat has begun, it is forbidden to eat or drink anything until one has prayed
and made kiddush (OC 249:2, and SSK, vol. 2, 42:25 and 29, and notes 111 and
10. Limiting Work Prior to
In order to ensure that the needs of Shabbat are attended to, it is
forbidden to be involved in a consistent and established labor routine that is
not geared toward the Shabbat from mincha ketana and onwards (we will explain
halakhic times in the next shiur).
One who violates this principle will not see success from his activity during
this time (OC 251:1). This law does
not forbid involvement in business transactions such as those in supermarkets
and other stores. Nonetheless, these
businesses should be closed with the impending approach of Shabbat, preferably
an hour before sunset (MB 251:1).
One may work after mincha ketana, even for pay, if the work is light and casual
in nature, such as watering the grass, sewing a button or writing a letter (OC
A laborer who generally works until the evening should try to set the
parameters of his job to allow him to stop working at mincha ketana (MB ibid.,
Sha'ar ha-tziyun, note 4). When this
cannot be done, he should at least try to get home on time to help prepare some
basic Shabbat necessities (MB 251:3).
However, one who is indigent, or who will suffer a loss if the work is
not completed, may work up until the approach of Shabbat (MB 251:5).
If one's work is actually helping someone else in his Shabbat
preparations, as in the case of a barber, he may work after mincha ketana for
pay. This is only if it is obvious
that the work is likhvod Shabbat. If
it is not obvious that it is likhvod Shabbat, he may only do this work after
mincha ketana for free. In all these
cases one should stop early enough to ensure that he will not come to chillul
Shabbat (OC 251:2, and MB ibid.).
11. Preparing the Sidra
One is also required to recite the parshat ha-shavua (weekly Torah
portion) twice every week along with either the Targum Onkelos or the commentary
of Rashi. It is preferable to learn
both commentaries. Ideally, one
should recite either all of it on erev Shabbat or read a portion of it daily and
complete it on erev Shabbat. After
completing this obligation it is customary to read the haftara as well. Women are exempt from this
obligation, but they should still hear Torah reading in shul (OC 285:1-4, 7, and
Mishna Brura; see also SSK, vol. 2, 42:57-58, 60, Arukh Ha-shulchan OC 285 and
Yalkut Yosef vol. 4, pp. 354-356 note 1, for an elaboration on this mitzva).
In the event that one did not complete this Torah reading before Shabbat,
one should try to complete it before eating the Shabbat day meal. This meal should begin before midday. If one has still not finished the
reading, the Shulchan Arukh cites three opinions as to until when one has to
complete it: until Shabbat mincha, at which point the reading for the next week
begins, until Tuesday (inclusive) or until simchat Torah (OC 285:4).
Although this mitzva receives support from the Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi,
and almost all Rishonim and Acharonim, it is indisputable that most people, both
learned and unlearned, are not accustomed to fulfilling it. Moreinu Harav Aharon Lichtenstein
shlit"a explained to me that although it is proper to read the portion of the
week twice, with Targum or Rashi, those who do not do this can rely on the
opinion of the Ra'avan. The Ra'avan
(cited in Hagahot Maimoniot, Laws of Tefilla 13:25) understands the ruling of
the gemara (Berakhot 8a-8b) to refer to only those who live in small villages
that do not have a minyan for Torah reading.
Since these people will not hear the Torah reading, the Ra'avan says
according to the gemara they must do the next best thing - recreate the Torah
reading themselves. Therefore, they
must read the weekly portion twice: once for the reading of the oleh and once
for the reading of the ba'al koreh.
They must recite the Targum as well, since the Torah reading used to be
accompanied by a simultaneous translation.
This should be accomplished at the same time that the tzibbur would be
reading the Torah in shul, as the gemara says: "One should complete his parashot
[The Ra'avan claims that the clause "together WITH the congregation" makes no
sense if we assume that the entire congregation has an obligation to recite the
parasha twice independently of the public Torah reading.] However, if one attends Torah reading
in shul, it is unnecessary to read the sidra twice with Targum at home.
12. Miscellaneous
Other important preparations for Shabbat to consider are: setting the
Shabbat clocks, keeping lights on or off in certain rooms (bathrooms, bedrooms,
etc.), removing muktza items from one's clothing, and certifying that the light
remains off in the refrigerator. One
might also consider calling relatives and friends to wish them a pleasant
13. Shalom Bayit
It goes without saying that Shabbat preparations should not be the cause
of tension or anxiety in one's home.
Rather, they should be accomplished in an atmosphere of anticipation and
excitement. Erev Shabbat is a time
for families to bond in a united effort to honor the Shabbat. Perhaps one of the one most important
elements of entering Shabbat honorably is to enter in a warm, joyful, peaceful
and familial mood. (In this vein,
see also MB 262:9.)
In the next shiur, we will begin studying the thirty-nine melakhot
(forbidden types of action).
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