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Rav David Brofsky

Rav David Brofsky

An alumnus of Har Etzion and Yeshiva University, Rabbi David Brofsky has taught Talmud and halakha in yeshivot and seminaries in Israel, including Yeshivat Har Etzion and Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalyim. He currently teaches in Midreshet Torah V’Avodah, is a senior faculty member at Midreshet Lindenbaum, and writes a weekly halakha shiur for the Virtual Beit Midrash (VBM).

Orach Chaim    
Contemporary HalakhaContemporary Halakha (2)The Laws of BerakhotThe Laws of FestivalsThe Laws of Prayer
Yoreh Deah    
The Laws of KashrutThe Laws of Conversion and CircumcisionThe Laws of Conversion and Circumcision (2)The Laws of Conversion and Circumcision (3) 
Even HaEzer    
Life Cycles