The Thought of the Maharal of Prague

(5785) (Sunday) The Maharal of Prague, one of the great Jewish intellectuals and a figure revered by both Jews and Gentiles alike, lived and worked in Central Europe at the beginning of the modern era, for almost a century (1512-1609) ). He wrote many books and influenced the thinking of the sages of future generations, including the great Chasidim, Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Hutner, Manito and many others.
The Maharal's thought is very broad in its scope, systematic in its conception, deep in content and special in its style. The Maharal is the first thinker whose main source for his conceptual world is found in the aggadot of Chazal. He combined the sayings of the sages with content from Torat HaSod, along with philosophical tools of thought, something that gave rise to particularly deep thought. All these components make studying the writings of the Maharal a special challenge, but worthwhile. In this series we will study in a clear and systematic way the fascinating thought of the Maharal, and its place within the spiritual space of the sages of Israel.