Shnayim LaYom - Melakhim Alef and Bet

(5785) (Daily) (We will begin sending shiurim in Sefer Melakhim on 12 Kislev 5785) Do you feel like finally encompassing Tanakh, being part of a group that explores the text, while getting tools to deepen your understanding of this sacred canon? This daily study of Tanakh begins with the book of Joshua (well, if truth be told, this series in English will start with Shoftim, but not to worry, we will get to Joshua early next year); you are invited to join our group studying two chapters a day, so that you finish the entire Bible in one year! We will also include options for expanding on the daily allotment: recommendations for lessons and articles, points for thought and expansion, and short ideas. So there will be an opportunity to go beyond basic proficiency, to study as much as you want and your time will allow! This series was written by two Har Etzion talmidim, Sefi Eliash and Yair Rahat.